The young emperor penguin his called Happy Feet, which had strayed from the Antarctic in search of food on the beach in New Zealand, back home in a specially designed cage, according to New Zealand media.
From the zoo in Wellington, where the penguin was placed in June, said that the 29th August cage with a penguin to be placed on board, who will return to Antarctica. "We are very honored to be Happy Feet help to get back into the ocean," said Rob Murdoch from an organization that provides logistic support for scientific expeditions and that will translate penguin to the Antarctic. Happy Feet has become a major hit on the internet after he wandered 4,000 kilometers from his home. When in June, penguin found on the shore, was immediately taken to the review, and to remove him 3 pounds of sand from the stomach, which she ate, because his thinking it's snow. Emperor penguins are the largest species of penguin and can weigh up to 30 pounds. In New Zealand the last penguin seen in 1967. year.